2020 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting virtual presentations
Four members of the team are presenting research at the 2020 Ecological Society of America meeting

Phoebe Zarnetske and Sydne Record will present at the 2020 ESA session OOS 8 - Revolutionizing Our Understanding of Scale: How the NEON Network Enables Innovative Research into the Complexities of Ecological Phenomena Across Spatio-Temporal Scales. The session’s talks are available online, and a Q&A session is scheduled for August 3, 3-3:30pm US Eastern.

Phoebe’s presentation, Local- to continental-scale drivers of biodiversity across NEON will summarize how the team is working to quantify geodiversity and disturbance regime across spatial scales in order to explain patterns of biodiversity across NEON.
Jasper Van doninck will present a poster, Amazonian forest canopy reflectance explains soil properties and understory species distribution and composition, summarizing his research on Amazonian biodiversity and remote sensing at University of Turku.
Jon Knott’s presentation on Community-level responses to climate change in forests of the eastern United States will give a summary of some of his PhD work at Purdue, primarily an overview of his recent paper in Global Ecology and Biogeography.