2021 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting virtual presentations
Members of the team are presenting research at the 2021 Ecological Society of America meeting

Jasper Van doninck will present “Combining open NEON and Landsat data to connect biodiversity and disturbance regime” in the 2021 ESA session OOS 5 Leveraging FAIR data to discover new connections in ecology. Q&A session: Monday, August 2, 2021, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific Time.

Ben Baiser will present “The relationship between intraspecific variation in body size and diversity for three vertebrate taxa across North America” in the 2021 ESA session OOS 7 Using individual traits for macro-studies across space, time, and taxa. Q&A session: Monday, August 2, 2021, 1:30 PM-2:30 PM Pacific Time. Ben’s talk will discuss how we used our OStats R package to characterize intraspecific body size across small mammal, bird, and salamander communities at continental scales.