Macrosystems Ecology across the
National Ecological Observatory Network
This website highlights collaborative research focused on understanding and predicting changes in biodiversity and community ecology across space and time with ecological observation networks spanning continental to global scales. Current projects focus on explaining biotic and abiotic drivers of biodiversity from local to continental scales across the United States National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).
This research is funded by the National Science Foundation; Awards to P.L. Zarnetske (Michigan State University); S. Record (Bryn Mawr College); Ben Baiser (University of Florida); Angela Strecker (Western Washington University).
Collaborative Research: MRA: Local- to continental-scale drivers of biodiversity across the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) [2019-2024]
Collaborative Research: EAGER-NEON: Using Intraspecific Trait Variation to Understand Processes Structuring Continental-scale Biodiversity Patterns [2015-2018]
For details, see our Research page.